How To Embed A Podcast Episode To Your Squarespace Website
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Welcome to this tutorial on how to embed podcasts into your Squarespace website. The way I've laid it out is just like a standard sort of way, and you can change things around a little bit. So it's really important that you input them chronologically. So the podcast that you recorded, first is inputted last. So then when you catch up with yourself you can just upload as you go and it'll be in order.
Set up the website page for your podcast
Either set up your page as new or duplicate another page that you have already created if you want to use the same template. In the blog post settings (accessed through the hamburger menu on the left hand navigation pane) add the URL title and excerpt. Note that if you copy out the page, the post URL will have numbers. Ensure you remove the numbers in the blog post settings. Also add in any tags or categories that you need as well as edit any SEO titles or descriptions. Make the H1 heading on your page the title of the podcast and you would usually have the podcast description be the next piece of paragraph text.
Add in a code block and the embed code
Add in a ‘code’ block to your page (press the blue plus icon between blocks, and select ‘code’ from the menu).
Copy the embed code from your podcast hosting platform. In libsyn it looks like this:
Edit the code block in squarespace by hovering over the block and clicking the pencil icon. Delete any code and paste in in the embed code from your podcast hosting platform.
Link listeners to listen on Apple or Spotify
Having a button to listen on the major listening platforms (Apple & Spotify) is a good way to direct viewers to listen in with the platform of their choice.
Add a ‘Button’ block to the bottom of your website and edit the CTA to either ‘Listen On Apple’ or ‘Listen On Spotify’
How to add in a link to listen on Apple
1. Locate the podcast in Apple Podcasts and copy the page URL.
2. Edit the ‘Listen on Apple’ button on Squarespace (hover your mouse and click the pencil icon to edit) and paste the apple URL into the link bar.
How to add in a link to listen on Spotify
1. Locate the podcast in spotify
2. Click the hamburger menu ( looks like three dots ‘…’) on the podcast episode that you wish to link to
3. In the pop up menu select Share then click on ‘Copy Episode link’.
4. Edit the ‘Listen on Spotify’ button on Squarespace (hover your mouse and click the pencil icon to edit) and paste the apple URL into the link bar.
How to improve the SEO of your podcast page
If you have a podcast transcription, adding in the whole transcription or the most important excerpts are good for SEO and for directing interested listeners to your age. You can add this in just as paragraph text in a text block.
You can also add links to subscribe to your podcast on apple or spotify. To do this simply create a text block and write in a CTA (e.g. Subscribe on Spotify). Highlight the text and in the pop up text bar select the ‘link’ icon. Simply paste the URL link that directs the listener to your subscription button on either apple or spotify.
Want to to embed a youtube video to your page? Click here to learn how.
Amy Ilic
Squarespace Designer & Brand Conjuror